Organic TikTok Consulting

What are you waiting for? Get started today.

Amplify your nonprofit's mission to inspire change.

How can TikTok help spread your mission?

Helping bridge the gap between you and the next generation

We know content creation can be hard.

With Community Boost's Organic TikTok Consulting, nonprofits can  tap into the passions, aspirations, and values of Gen Z and Millennials.  Dive deep into this vibrant platform to create a new wave of young  supporters and advocates who are eager to champion your cause.

Let's TalkLet's TalkLet's Talk

TikTok by the numbers

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Setting trends

TikTok guides the content trends across platforms. It’s the frontline of what resonates with the youth.

Unmatched engagement


monthly active users in the United States

Let's Talk

With virality at its core, TikTok levels the playing field. Budding nonprofits can be seen and heard, even with a smaller following.

Reaching younger donors and volunteers can be a challenge. TikTok bridges this gap, with 80% of US users being your next-gen supporters.

Engaging the future


Acquire enthusiastic supporters with authentic storytelling.


Nurture a genuine connection and lasting commitment.


26 hrs

average monthly screen time per user


of users are between the ages 16 - 39

We are Community Boost

Community Boost is a full-service digital marketing agency dedicated to helping nonprofits maximize their online potential. With a passionate team and a purpose-driven approach, we are committed to accelerating social impact and driving positive change worldwide.


number of times the average user opens TikTok per day

Why we love TikTok

Forward thinking

TikTok is where the buzz is now. Mastering it today will prepare us for the shifts of tomorrow, regardless of the platform.

  • TikTok audit or set up/training 
  • Creation of content calendar 
  • A/B testing of content 
  • 30 content pieces each month 
  • Mid-month reviews 
  • Monthly reporting
Let's Talk

What cBC takes care of


monthly active users in the United States


of users are between the ages 16 - 39

26 hrs

average monthly screen time per user


number of times the average user opens TikTok per day

Let's Talk